DCO-District Communications Officer Committee Members
The District Communications Officer (DCO) shall support and assist the District officers, staff, committee chairs, and clubs with utilization of the District and Club database. This includes helping to set up events, committees, and personalized emails. And, the DCO is the contact within the district for administering and supporting the District and Club database (DaCdb). Conducts training seminars for Club Secretaries and Club Communications Officers. And, they respond to questions for HELP that are generated within the DaCdb system.
In addition, the DCO is a LVL-7 user of the system, and can update system "tables" for unique requirements within their district. They can modify the district's profile through the Table Administration functions to add additional Committee Position "titles" and Club Position "titles" as necessary to support the needs of the district.
Alternate Missions Statement:
The District Communications Officer (DCO) for the District and Club Data Base (DaCdb)
Purpose: To provide the Rotarians of the District with a point of contact for help resolving problems with the District and Club database (DaCdb), provide training for District and Club Officers in effectively using this resource, and to have a single point of contact to work with the DaCdb Developmental Team to identify problems, offer improvement suggestions, and to provide District feedback to the Development Team.
Alternate Missions Statement:
The District Communications Officer (DCO) for the District and Club Data Base (DaCdb)
Purpose: To provide the Rotarians of the District with a point of contact for help resolving problems with the District and Club database (DaCdb), provide training for District and Club Officers in effectively using this resource, and to have a single point of contact to work with the DaCdb Developmental Team to identify problems, offer improvement suggestions, and to provide District feedback to the Development Team.